Slavia Centralis Journal


Slavia Centralis
Koroška 160, SI-2000 Maribor

Published since 2008, Slavia Centralis Journal aims to promote research pertaining to the field of Slavic linguistics and literature. The journal is a joint project of one American and four European universities, namely the University of Kansas, the Charles University of Prague, the University of Graz, the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, and the University of Maribor, whose members comprise the editorial board. It is published by the Department of Slavic Studies and Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Maribor. The journal's mission is to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to Slavic studies, increase its popularity, and open it to a wider readership.

Contents and archive

Contributions published in the journal cover a vast variety of topics from the fields of linguistics, literature, anthropology, and history. While most contributions are in Slovenian or other Slavic languages, articles in English, Hungarian, and German are also welcome. The journal's website features an archive of past issues published under the Open Access licence. Slavia Centralis encourages contributions treating the Slavic languages and literatures holistically, transcending borders and national canons, as well as exploring connections between Slavic and non-Slavic.

In 2009 Nada Šabec's "Sloglish or the Mixing/Switching of Slovene and English in Slovene Blogs" was published as a seminal example of sociolinguistic and cultural aspects of using a language in the Internet environment.

See also

External links

... more about "Slavia Centralis Journal"
Slavia Centralis +
biannually +
Slavia Centralis +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Koroška 160 +
Published since 2008, Slavia Centralis Journal aims to promote research pertaining to the field of Slavic linguistics and literature. +
Published since 2008, Slavia Centralis Journal aims to promote research pertaining to the field of Slavic linguistics and literature. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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